EW Czchów [TAURON Ekoenergia]
The Complex of hydropower plants of Cracow consist among all of the Rożnów hydropower plant and Czchów hydropower plant. The Czchów hydropowerplant is the part of a dam built in the years 1936 – 1949. The dam is 12,5 meters high and 430 meters long.
In the years 2009 – 2010 BUDOKOP Ltd installed The Automatic System of Technical Dam Control (ASTKZ) for the Rożnów and Czchów power plants. A standard set of sensors was installed at the Czchów dam:
- water level sensors and thermometers were installed in selected standpipe piezometers,
- 3-axes crack meters controlling the openings in the extension joints in the walls of the power plant.
The Rożnów dam, one of the largest dams in Poland required a complex contol and measurements system.
Due to the size of the investment in the Rożnów – Czchów complex the works related to the acquisition and processing of the measuremet signals were performed in the cooperation with EFEKT-AUTOMATYKA. The system is serviced by BUDOKOP.