BUDOKOP Ltd offers structural monitoring of the phenomena taking place in the foundation and in the structures.
The geotechnical research solutions include:
technical project and installation of the measuring instruments
• conduction of the measurements, modelling and analysis
• service of the instruments
The measuring systems on offer are automatic and provide direct access to the data through the clients’ or the BUDOKOP servers.
BUDOKOP offers the following measurements:
• inclinometric (the measurements of the lateral and vertical displacements of the foundation and the structures)
• earth pressure
• pore -water pressure
• flow rate
• subsidence and tilting of the constructions and the ground
• strains in the construction elements
• lateral displacements in constructions like diaphragm walls, piles etc.,
• measurements of the relative displacements of the construction elements.
BUDOKOP also offers The Automatic System of Landslide Monitoring (ASMOP).